– Click a Pokéball –

About the Project
There were two intentions behind this nostalgic body of work. The first was a desire to become functional at a professional level in both Clipstudio & Procreate. The second was simply ( but oh so important ) to intentionally dedicate some time to create something first and foremost for me. That being said, if nothing else, I do hope you leave here with a desire to also create something for yourself, and an even stronger desire to make that a habit ( that’s the hard part )
Special thanks to:
Kaymar Lewis, Nathanael Hay, Ariana Lyn, Monique Smith, Kadeem Taylor, Kimaya Warren and Kenny Plummer.

Gary Plummer
Character Designer | Illustrator | Chocolate Consumer
©2020 Dream Dust. All Rights Reserved. All works are under the copyright of their respective owners.